Church Service 5/16/21

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The Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 16, 2021, Trinity Lutheran Church in Brattleboro, VT. Today we celebrate our Confirmands, Hunter Matthew Bishop and Haden Carlton Newton, as they affirm their Baptismal Vows! We are joined today by Bishop James Hazelwood of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to preach and Confirm Haden Carlton Newton and Hunter Matthew Bishop. Congratulations Haden and Hunter! Bishop Hazelwood's sermon today focused on Jesus as the great questioner. How would we best describe Jesus' communication style? Well, he tells lots of stories and asks lots of questions. In fact, Jesus asks 307 questions in the bible. Questioning is the way Jesus interacted with others. We too have questions and we often question God. Questioning is an important part of our pursuit of God and it is through questioning that we interact and connect with God. Pastor Randall Wilburn presides today and Bishop James Hazelwood preaches. Ron Solberg assists, Micaela Carlton Newton is our reader, Laura Josephs is on the piano and Rob Freeberg is our trumpeter. Pastor Randy's last Sunday at Trinity will be May 30th. We are all very sad to see Pastor Randy go. We will miss him very much.

Production Date: 
Sunday, May 16, 2021 - 11:30