My Spiritual Life - Peaking or Flatlining 1/9/22

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Rise Up From The Valley, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brattleboro, VT, January 9, 2022 Jesus had two spiritual “highs”: when he experienced a voice and a vision at his baptism and when he was on the mountaintop. In between we find him alone in prayer, with his friends…but nothing like these two moments. “Highs” don’t last. The first months of a marriage, the first days at a new job, the euphoria of a workout, the high, then back to the old ‘set’ point. There are peaks and valleys in our spiritual life too. When our spiritual life is flatlining we must do the work to rise up. Don’t put this on God, or other people, or the church or our society or the boss or the spouse. It is up to you. Jesus climbed that mountain. He sought his friend/disciples. He secluded himself for prayer. We are responsible for our spiritual life. If we feel like we are in a valley….. there is only one way out of a valley and no one is going to carry us up. We have to do the work. We have temporarily suspended in-person worship service due to rising Covid concerns. Today's worship service was live-streamed from Trinity's Sanctuary to Facebook, with Pastor Jon Heydenreich presiding and Marsha Heydenreich on piano. No matter who you are in your walk of faith, or where you are in that journey, you are invited to the communion table at Trinity Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation, more or less traditional and relaxed, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation where all are welcome.

Production Date: 
Sunday, January 9, 2022 - 10:00