Five Feet - 7/3/22

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Don't Lose Your Focus, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brattleboro, VT, July 3, 2022 Luke 10:4 Jesus instructed his disciples to go out “…and greet no one on the road…” In the Good Samaritan story Jesus tell of the traveler who stopped to help a suffering person. But in this instruction to the disciples he says greet no one on the road. Does he really mean greet no one? Probably not. Let's picture a disciple who is so focused that she/he has a singular vision – and that singularity of vision is captured in this instruction to greet no one. In other words, do not allow anyone to alter your focus. Don’t lose your focus. Deal with what is before you. Concentrate on the next five feet and don't get distracted. Be present where you are. Pastor Jon Heydenreich presides, joined by Ron Solberg as assistant, Kris Grotz-Kuch as reader, and Laura Josephs on piano. No matter who you are in your walk of faith, or where you are in that journey, you are invited to the communion table at Trinity Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation, more or less traditional and relaxed, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation where all are welcome. Happy Birthday U.S.A! We know we are blessed.

Production Date: 
Sunday, July 3, 2022 - 17:00