Awareness and Distraction 7/17/22

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Martha and Mary's Story, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brattleboro, VT, July 17, 2022 Luke 10:40 (paraphrased) Jesus said to Martha – Martha your mind is full of so much. You are distracted and upset. Martha said to Jesus “Lord, don’t you care that Mary has left me to do the work by myself Tell her to help me!” Mary had a centered focus...she's was in the moment, so to speak. Martha was distracted. Instead of having focus and being in the flow of her preparations, her mind took her elsewhere. She got angry and complained...where is that lazy Mary...I have to do all the work - AS USUAL...and you (Jesus) won't back me up. When we are not present in the moment our mind, typically, will stray to a place of anger, and sometimes we will blame God for our situation. Take a page from the book of Martha and Mary. Be mindfully present in where you are. Don't play the victim's role. Practice acceptance. Invest in what is before you. Be at peace. Pastor Jon Heydenreich presides, joined by Ron Solberg as assistant, Beverly Wolf as reader, and Laura Josephs on piano. No matter who you are in your walk of faith, or where you are in that journey, you are invited to the communion table at Trinity Lutheran Church. Trinity Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation, more or less traditional and relaxed, and a Reconciling in Christ congregation where all are welcome.

Production Date: 
Sunday, July 17, 2022 - 11:00