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Cue points: 

2016 Dummerston Town Meeting 3/1/16

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Call to order and moderators notes

Dummerston Town School District

07:47  Article 1: To elect Town School District officers

07:55  Article 2: To act on Auditor's Report

08:55  Article 3: To authorize School Board to accept grants

9:58  Article 4: To vote on School District salaries

11:05  Article 5: Vote to approve school budget

55:45  Legislative Reports: Reps. Deen, Mrowicki, Sen. White - Q&A

1:50:45  Article 6: Transact other business

2:02:10 Adjourn

Dummerston Town Meeting

2:02:58 Article 1: To elect Town Officers

2:03:07  Article 2: Act on auditors' report

2:03:49  Article 3: Authorize appointment of receiver of delinquent taxes

2:04:40  Article 4: Vote to raise funds for Capital Fund

2:06:34  Article 5: Vote to authorize expenditures from Capital Fund

2:10:13  Article 6: Approve general fund expenditures

2:27:50  Article 7: Approval highway fund expenditures

2:35:10  Article 8: Vote to raise and appropriate Highway Structures Replacement Fund

2:36:40  Article 9: To grant tax-exempt status to Evening Star Grange

2:39:00  Article 10:  To grant tax-exempt status to Green Mtn Camp

2:42:25  Article 11: To transact any other business

3:09:30 Motion to Adjourn 

Production Date: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 10:00

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